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Growing Waistline, Shrinking Penis

Food is awesome, but too much of it won't just make you fat. It can also shrink your penis. Shocked? Learn the facts, and find out the connection.

Case #: 1430


I love food. Perhaps the only thing I love more than food is sex. And for a heavy-set male, my eating habits have caused a major problem: penile shrinkage. At first I didn’t want to believe my food was the cause of the problem. But as I ate and ate, I notice a bigger and bigger thickness of fat encompass my pelvis. Now, I am experiencing shrinkage. Along with a proper diet is there anything I can do to prevent the shrinkage?


If you had to choose between a healthy heart and a healthy penis, well, I'm afraid that far too many of us would choose a healthy penis. I mean, heart disease is no fun, but penis shrinkage is downright devastating (okay, so as a gender, we never did have our priorities straight). But when you indulge in fine foods to the point of excessive weight gain, you're damaging both your heart and your penis. Most guys actually don't realize it, but weight gain is a prime contributor to many forms of sexual dysfunction, including penis shrinkage.

The Relationship Between Weight Gain and Penis Size

You have heard it said that fatty foods will clog your arteries, right? Well, did you know that you have arteries in your penis and along your genital region? When you maintain an unhealthy lifestyle, plaque accumulates in these arteries, which inhibits blow flow to the penis and causes you to shrivel up like a new cotton shirt in the dryer.

Unfortunately, losing weight may not be sufficient to reverse the damage, because the arteries are already clogged, and you may also have some hormonal imbalance contributing to the problem. Assuming you're not consuming the right balance of nutrients, you may have insufficient levels of important hormones like testosterone, HGH and DHEA. I know, the good news just keeps piling up. But bear with me, it gets better.

Make It Grow

Now this may sound contradictory to what I just recommended, but you should probably consider losing weight. It may not help substantially, but it will at least give you the illusion of greater size by improving what I like to call the “waist to dong ratio.” If your gut is casting a shadow of your penis, it's always going to look smaller than it should, and more importantly, your health is job 1. When you maintain an unhealthy lifestyle, you increase your risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, various cancers, you know the drill...

Finally, I would recommend a botanical solution formulated with Cistanche, Cuscuta, Deer Antler and Fo-Ti. (TRY: Natural Solution For Penile Growth & Rejuvenation) This will restore your hormone levels, improve blood flow to the penis, and stimulate new growth with the help of increased HGH (that's “human growth hormone,” just to give you an idea of the benefits) levels. Finally, remember to take good care of yourself. You don't want to die from an enlarged heart and a diminished penis.

What to do

Botanical Concoction for Penile Tissue Rejuvenation & Growth

There are many ways to enhance and enlarge the size of the penis. Methods with relatively faster results also carry higher risks. With this formula, you can safely grow your penis without the added risks.

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